ETS公認トレーナーと勉強しよう!TOEFL iBT® テストWeb準備講座


  • 横川綾子先生
    明治大学 国際連携機構 特任教授
  • ETS Authorized Propell® Facilitator
    ETS TOEFL ITP® Teacher Development Workshop Facilitator
  • プロフィールはこちら

みなさん、こんにちは。「ETS公認トレーナーと勉強しよう!TOEFL iBT® テストWeb準備講座」を担当する横川綾子(よこがわあやこ)と申します。いよいよ今回からモデル学習者の方をお迎えし、実際に書いていただいたエッセイにアドバイスをしていきます。


第2回 エッセイに説得力を持たせるには


ではさっそく、モデル学習者のアイコさんをご紹介します。アイコさんは明確な目標を持ってTOEFL iBTテスト対策に励む大学生。メールでのやり取りからも、伝えたいことを簡潔かつ的確に表現する文章力を持っていることが感じられました。

今回の相談者:医学部1年生 女性
  • 大学1年生 医学部 アイコさん(仮名)
  • <現在の英語力>
    高校2年(3年前)に英検準1級を取得。長期留学等の経験はなく、第二言語としての英語と格闘中。Reading、Listeningに比べてWriting、Speakingが苦手。初めて受けた2014年5月のTOEFL iBTテストの結果は77点(R:27、L:19、S:15 、W:16)。
    <TOEFL iBTテストを受験する理由>
    <TOEFL iBTテストの学習で困っている点や悩んでいる点>
    Speaking、Writingなどのアウトプットに時間がかかる。その他にはWriting の書き方の様式に関して、参考書と語学学校の先生の言っていることが微妙に違っているので、最低限従わないといけないルールと理想的なessayの書き方が知りたい。


Topic 1
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Teenagers should have jobs while they are students.”
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.



  • 1. ブレーンストーミング(=自分の意見とその理由を考える)を十分に行う
  • 2. 使いたい単語・フレーズ・構文は事前にリサーチしておく
  • 3. スペルチェッカーは無効にしておく
  • 4. 書き始めたら辞書等は使わず、一気に書き上げる
  • 5. 構成は5パラグラフを基本とする
      (Introduction → Body1 Body 2 Body 3 → Conclusion)
  • 6. 最後に目視で校正し、必要な手直しをする


今回書いてもらったエッセイのテーマは、TOEFL iBTテストのWritingセクションで出題される「ある意見に対する賛否を問うもの」です。

I agree the statement that teenagers should have jobs while they are students. That is because having part time jobs gives students a sense of responsibility, useful experience and broad views.

Firstly, teenaged students come to feel sense of responsibility if they work part time. That is because in their working place, they are treated as adults and they need to take responsibility for what they have done. While in school, they are treated as teenagers in short immature people, so they are free from some duties. Students spend most of their time in school or at home, where teachers or parents always take cake of them and such adults are usually take responsibility for students’ behavior. Therefore it is quite important for teenagers to work by themselves without their protectors and become responsible people.

Secondly, students can gain useful experience for their future careers. Students can acquire a lot of skills and knowledge about their jobs. They will be advantage when in the future students are looking for jobs or they think about what career they should choose. Moreover they may make some connection in the field they want to work. If they get to know with someone in the company they want to work, they may find a job there more easily. So, working part time can give students a lot of chance.

Finally, students can gain broad views by working part time. Students can meet a lot of people from different age or different background. It would be precious experience for students to talk with their bosses or co-workers or sometimes customers. By doing so, they come to understand there are people who have different values. Such idea will help students when they make career decision or when they persuade someone. So, it is necessary to work part time and broaden the mind.

For these three reasons, I think it is better for teenagers to work when they are students. If they have jobs, they can grow up, gain advantages for their future and broaden their outlook. These abilities have a great influence on their lives, so they should acquire the abilities while they are young. (359 words)


どこがポイントになっているのか、前回(第1回 エッセイライティングのポイント)の復習をしながら確認していきましょう。

I agree [with] the statement that teenagers should have [part-time] jobs while they are students. That is because having part time jobs gives students [them] a sense of responsibility, is a useful experience, and broad views [can broaden their point of view].

Firstly [First], teenaged students [teenagers can] come to feel sense of responsibility if they work part time. That [This] is because in their working place, they are treated as adults and they need to take responsibility for what they have done. While [On the other hand, while] in school, they are treated as teenagers, in short, immature people, so they are free from some duties [responsibilities adults have]. Students spend most of their time in school or at home, where teachers or parents [adults] always take cake [care] of them and such adults are usually take responsibility for students’ behavior. Therefore, it is quite important for teenagers to work by themselves, without their protectors, and become responsible people.

Secondly [Second], students can gain useful experience for their future careers. Students can acquire a lot of skills and knowledge about their jobs [while working]. They will be [have an] advantage when in the future students are looking for jobs or they think about what career they should choose. Moreover, they may make some connection in the field they want to work. If they get to know with someone in the [a] company they want to work, they may find a job there more easily. So, working part time can give students a lot of chance[valuable experience] .

Finally, students can gain broad views [broaden their point of view] by working part time. Students can meet a lot of people from different age [groups] or [from] different background[s]. It would be [is a] precious experience for students to talk with their bosses, or co-workers or sometimes customers. Such idea [This] will help students [them] when they make career decision or when they persuade someone [have to persuade someone or make a career decision]. By doing so, [T]hey come to understand there are people who have different values. So, it is necessary to work part time and broaden the mind.

For these three reasons, I think it is better for teenagers to work when they are students. If they have jobs, they can grow up, gain advantages for their future and broaden their outlook. These abilities [skills will] have a great influence on their lives, so they should acquire the abilities [them] while they are young.

英文校正協力:Paul Strifler


メインアイディア(=ティーンエイジャーは学生のうちに仕事を持つべき)が、3つの理由でサポートされている359ワードのエッセイです。文法や語法のミスや不自然さはありますが、内容の理解を妨げるようなものはほとんどありません。Introduction(序論)にはThesis statement(主題文)とBody(本論)の要約があり、Conclusion(結論)でも、同じ主張が再提示されています。 Bodyを構成する3つのパラグラフは適切なTransition words(つなぎ言葉)とTopic sentence(パラグラフの主題文)で始まっており、その後に詳細説明が続いています。




いかがでしたか?みなさんもエッセイを書くときは、「説得力」を意識してみてくださいね。では次回(第3回 関係代名詞whatの多用を避け、文意を明確に)にお会いしましょう。

TOEFL iBT Writing Section Scoring Guide