Topic 2
Many students have to live with roommates while they go to school or university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sharing a room with someone as a student. Use specific details in your discussion.
5. 構成は5パラグラフを基本とする
(Introduction → Body1 Body 2 Body 3 → Conclusion)
6. 最後に目視で校正し、必要な手直しをする
A lot of students need to live with roommates in dormitory when they go to school or university. There are one disadvantage and two disadvantages of sharing a room. The negative point of this is that you cannot concentrate on studying, and the positive points are that you can get close friends and that you can learn other peoples’ lifestyles.
First of all, the possible negative effect of living with roommates is that you have a lot of difficulty studying. If your roommate makes so many noises, it is hard for you to do your homework or prepare for the tests in your room. For example, if your roommates are always talking in a loud voice, or if they listen to music on high volume, you cannot concentrate. Moreover, if your roommates usually stay up late though you usually go to bed early to get up early, you cannot sleep well due to the noises they make and feel sleepy during the class. Thus, if you have some roommates if can be tough to study.
Second, one of the positive effects is that you can easily get a close friend.
Sharing a room with your roommates means you spend a lot of time with them, so naturally, you can get to know them well. You can help each other by talking together when you miss your family, teaching each other and sharing information about the university’s events. Therefore, your roommates will be really helpful and reliable partners for your university life.
Finally, the other of the positive effects is that you can learn other peoples’ lifestyle. If your roommates come from different country, they must have different lifestyles from yours. Even if they come from the same town as you, since each family has particular rules, the lifestyle of them will be different from you. So you can know their lifestyles and ideas, and you will learn to put up with their behavior. The skill is really important when you get married and live your spouse because he or she has quite different lifestyle from you. Therefore, it is good to lean to be patient with other people living with you through sharing the room with roommates.
In conclusion, sharing a room with roommates gives disadvantages in studying, but it gives you advantages in leading a university life and in acquiring generosity.
A lot of [It is common for] students need to live withroommates in dormitory [have a roommate] when they go to school or university. There are one disadvantage and two disadvantages [advantages] of sharing a room. The negative point of this [disadvantage] is that [it may be difficult for] you cannot [to] concentrate on studying, and thepositive points [while the two advantages] are that you can [having the chance to make]get [a] close friends and that you can [being able to] learn other peoples’ lifestyles[how other people live].
First of all, the possible negative effect of living with roommates is that you [may] have a lot of difficulty studying [doing homework or preparing for tests]. Iif your roommate makes [a lot of noise.]so many noises, it is hard for you to do your homework or prepare for the tests in your room. For example, if your roommates are [they] always talking [talk] in a loud voice, or if they listen to [loud] music on high volume, you cannot [won’t be able to] concentrate. Moreover [Also], if your roommates [they] usually stay up late though you usually go to bed early to get up early, you cannot [won’t be able to] sleep well due to the noises they make and feel sleepy during the class. Thus [As you can see], if you have some roommates if canbe [make it] tough to study.
Second, [I will look at the advantages of having a roommate now. As I said in the introduction,] one of the positive effects [two advantages of having a roommate] is that you can easily get a close friend. Sharing a room with your roommates means you spend a lot of time with them [together], so naturally [as a matter of course], you can get to know them [each other] well. You can help [learn from] each other by talking together [about your daily lives and sharing information, such as what you did] when you miss your family [became homesick], teaching each other and sharing information about the university’s [school] events. Therefore, your roommates will be [become][a] really helpful and reliable partners for your university [school] life.
Finally, the other [advantage] of the positive effects [having a roommate] is that you can learn [how] other [people live and also how to live with them] peoples’ lifestyle. If your roommates come[s] from [a] different country, they [he or she] must have [a] different lifestyles from yours. Even if they [your roommate] come[s] from the same [country or even] town as you, since each family has [their own] particular rules[, which] the lifestyle of them will be different from [new to] you. So you can know [learn about]their lifestyles and ideas, and you will learn to put up with their behavior [way of life, how they think, and how to live with them through the experience]. [Experiencing a roommate will help you develop] Tthe skill [of having an ‘open mind’ which] is really important when you get married and live your spouse because he or she has quite [a] different lifestyle [way of living] from you. Therefore, it is good to lean to be patient with other people living with you through sharing the room with roommates [Clearly, besides learning how other people live and how to live with them, you may learn how to have an open mind and how to be patient by having a roommate in school].
In conclusion, sharing [having] a room with roommatesgives[may have] disadvantages in [when it comes to] studying, but it gives you [many other] advantages in leading a university life and in acquiring generosity [which are far more useful, not only in being able to get a close friend and learn how other people live as well as learn how to live with them, but also in how to have an open mind and perhaps how to be patient, both of which can be useful for your life in the future].
英文校正協力:Paul Strifler
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