ETS公認トレーナーと勉強しよう!TOEFL iBT® テスト Web準備講座


  • 横川綾子先生
    明治大学 国際連携機構 特任教授
  • ETS Authorized Propell® Facilitator
    ETS TOEFL ITP® Teacher Development Workshop Facilitator
  • プロフィールはこちら

みなさん、こんにちは。TOEFL iBT® テストWeb準備講座を担当するETS公認トレーナーの横川綾子(よこがわあやこ)です。今回は嬉しいご報告があります。モデル学習者のアイコさんが9月のTOEFL iBTテストで自己ベスト98点を達成し、目標スコアの89点を大きく超えました!初回受験からごく短期間で、20点以上スコアアップされた頑張りは見事です。その間、ライティングは16から22(自己ベストスコア)まで伸びたそうです。目標をしっかり定め、そこから逆算した課題を計画的にこなし、結果を出すアイコさんの努力を惜しまない姿に私も大いに刺激されました。


第5回 ストーリーは便利な小道具


今回の相談者:医学部1年生 女性
  • 大学1年生 医学部 アイコさん(仮名)
  • <現在の英語力>
    高校2年(3年前)に英検準1級を取得。長期留学等の経験はなく、第二言語としての英語と格闘中。Reading、Listeningに比べてWriting、Speakingが苦手。初めて受けた2014年5月のTOEFL iBTテストの結果は77点(R:27、L:19、S:15 、W:16)。2014年9月に受験したTOEFL iBTテストでは自己ベスト98点(R:28、L:29、S:20、W:21)にスコアアップ。
    <TOEFL iBTテストを受験する理由>
    <TOEFL iBTテストの学習で困っている点や悩んでいる点>
    Speaking、Writingなどのアウトプットに時間がかかる。その他にはWriting の書き方の様式に関して、参考書と語学学校の先生の言っていることが微妙に違っているので、最低限従わないといけないルールと理想的なessayの書き方が知りたい。




Topic 2
Many students have to live with roommates while they go to school or university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sharing a room with someone as a student. Use specific details in your discussion.



  • 1. ブレーンストーミング(=自分の意見とその理由を考える)を十分に行う
  • 2. 使いたい単語・フレーズ・構文は事前にリサーチしておく
  • 3. スペルチェッカーは無効にしておく
  • 4. 書き始めたら辞書等は使わず、一気に書き上げる
  • 5. 構成は5パラグラフを基本とする
    (Introduction → Body1 Body 2 Body 3 → Conclusion)
  • 6. 最後に目視で校正し、必要な手直しをする


It is common for students to have a roommate when they go to school or university. There are at least one disadvantage and two advantages of sharing a room. The disadvantage is that it may be difficult for you to concentrate on studying, while the two advantages are having a chance to make a close friend and being able to learn how other people live.

First of all, you may have a lot of difficulty doing homework or preparing for tests if your roommate makes a lot of noise. For example, one of my friends is always quarreling with her roommate about the noise. She belongs to the rock-music club in the school and she plays the drum. She says that her roommate gets angry when she is tapping the table or singing the song. Although she claims that she is careful enough not to bother her roommate because she is just tapping the desk instead of playing the drum, her roommate is actually irritated partly because she has to study hard now in order to get good grades for the scholarship. Moreover, if they do not anything special, just because they usually stay up late, you won’t be able to sleep well. As you can see, roommates can make it tough to study.

I will look at the advantages of having a roommate now. As I said in the introduction, one of the two advantages of having a roommate is that it is possible that you get a close friend. Sharing a room means you spend a lot of time together, so as a matter of course, you can get to know each other well. You can learn from each other by talking about your daily lives and sharing information, such as what you did when you became homesick and information about school events. For instance, my aunt has been keeping touch with some friends who were her roommates when they were university students. She says that if they had not been her roommates, she could not have built such a close relationship with them. They would often stay up late and talk about their daily lives and future dream. Of course, it does not necessarily mean that your roommate becomes your best friend only because you share a room, however, it can be said that sharing a room provides you a better chance to get to know people in your school than living alone.

Finally, the other advantage of having a roommate is that you can learn how other people live and also how to live with them. If your roommate comes from a different country, he or she must have a different lifestyle from yours. Even if your roommate comes from the same country or even town as you, each family has their own particular rules which will be new to you. So you can learn about their way of life, how they think and how to live with them through the experience. Experiencing a roommate will help you develop the skill of having an ‘open mind’ which is really important when you get married and your spouse has a quite different way of living from you. In addition, such an open mind may also have a good influence on your future career, so it is beneficial that you acquire it while you are students.

In conclusion, though having a roommate may have disadvantages when it comes to studying, it gives you many other advantages which is far more useful, not only in being able to get a close friend and learn how other people live as well as learn how to live with them, but in how to have an open mind and perhaps how to be patient, both of which can be useful for your life in the future.
(635 words)


It is common for students to have a roommate when they go to school or university. There are at least one disadvantage and two advantages of sharing a room. The disadvantage is that it may be difficult for you to concentrate on studying, while the two advantages are having a chance to make a close friend and being able to learn how other people live.

First of all, [let’s discuss the disadvantages.] you [It] may have a lot of difficulty doing [be difficult to do] homework or preparing [prepare] for tests if your roommate makes a lot of noise. For example, one of my friends is [belongs to the rock-music club in school and plays the drum, and she] always quarreling [quarrels] with her roommate about the noise [she makes]. She belongs to the rock- music club in the school and she plays the drum. She says that her [Her] roommate gets angry when she is tapping [taps] the table or singing [sings] the [a] song. Although she claims that she is [being] careful enough not to bother her roommate because she is just tapping the desk instead of [and not really] playing the drum, her roommate is actually [still] irritated partly because she has to study hard now in order to get good grades for the [a] scholarship.
Moreover, if they do not anything special, just because they usually stay up late, you won’t be able to sleep well. As you can see [Clearly], roommates can make it [can be] tough to study [if you have a roommate].

[In the second part of this essay,] I will look at the advantages of having a roommate now. As I said in the introduction, one of the two advantages of having a roommate is that it is possible that you [to] get a close friend. Sharing a room means you spend a lot of time together, so as a matter of course, you can get to know each other well. You can learn from each other by talking about your daily lives and sharing information, such as what you did when you became homesick and information about school events. For instance, m[M]y aunt[, for example,] has been keeping [still keeps in] touch with some friends who were her roommates when they were [from her] university students [days]. She says that if they had not been her roommates, she could not have built such a close relationship with them. They would often stay up late and talk about their daily lives and future dream[s]. Of course, it [your roommate] does not necessarily mean that your roommate becomes your best friend only because you share a room, however, it can be said that [, but] sharing a room [definitely] provides [gives] you a better chance to get to know people [someone] in your school than living alone [does].

Finally, the other advantage of having a roommate is that you can learn how other people live and also how to live with them. If your roommate comes from a different country, he or she must have a different lifestyle from yours. [, but] Even if your roommate comes from the same country or even town as you, each family has [the roommate will still have] their own particular rules [a different way of living peculiar to the family he or she comes from,] which will be new to you. So you can learn about their way of life, how they think and how to live with them through the experience. Experiencing [Having the experience of] a roommate will [also] help you develop the skill of having an ‘open mind’[. This] which is really important when you get married and your spouse has a quite different way of living [and thinking] from you.[, as well as possibly having] you. In addition, such an open mind may also have a good influence on your future career[.], so [Obviously,] it having a roommate is beneficial that you acquire it [a good experience to have] while you are [a] students.

In conclusion, though having a roommate may have disadvantages when it comes to studying, it gives you many other advantages which is [are] far more useful, not only in being able [beneficial. You will have the chance not only] to get a close friend and learn how other people live as well as learn how to live with them, but [also] in [to know] how to have an open mind and perhaps how to be patient, both of which can be useful for your life in the future [which is likely to help you in your private life and future career].

英文校正協力:Paul Strifler


アイコさんのリライト版は600ワード超えの大作です。多く書けばそれだけ高い評価がもらえるわけではありませんが、30分という制限時間内に400~500ワード書ける筆力があれば、WritingセクションのIndependent Taskに関して心配することはそう多くないはずです。アイコさんは、時間さえあればこれだけのエッセイを書けることが分かりましたので、次回は初見のテーマについて30分の制限時間内に書き上げるTimed Writingに挑戦してもらうことにします。みなさんもエッセイを書くこと自体に慣れてきたら、テスト本番と同じ時間制限を設けた練習を取り入れることをお勧めします。


For example, if your roommates are always talking in a loud voice, or if they listen to music on high volume, you cannot concentrate.

For example, my friend’s roommate loves rock music and listens to loud music almost every night. She says it is really annoying when she wants to study.





いかがでしたか?私自身はルームメイトと数週間同居したことがありますが、深い友情を築くまでには至りませんでした。ルームシェアはライフスキルを磨くチャンスと言えるのかもしれませんね。では次回(第6回 30分で「出し切る」には)にお会いしましょう。

TOEFL iBT Writing Section Scoring Guide