ETS公認トレーナーと勉強しよう!TOEFL iBT® テストWeb準備講座


  • 横川綾子先生
    明治大学 国際連携機構 特任教授
  • ETS Authorized Propell® Facilitator
    ETS TOEFL ITP® Teacher Development Workshop Facilitator
  • プロフィールはこちら

みなさん、こんにちは。TOEFL iBT® テストWeb準備講座を担当するETS公認トレーナーの横川綾子(よこがわあやこ)です。前回に引き続き今回も嬉しいご報告から。連載第1号読者モデルであるアイコさんが、ついにアメリカ交換留学を決めました!このWeb準備講座がアイコさんのモチベーション維持のお役に立っていたとしたらとても嬉しく思います。でもここからもう一頑張り。留学先でより多くのことを吸収するために、渡航前に出来るだけ英語力を向上させてほしいと思います。特に、留学先の授業ですぐ必要となる「聴いたり読んだりしたことを要約し、自分の見解を伝えるスキル」は必須。実はこれ、TOEFL iBTテストSpeaking/WritingセクションのIntegrated Taskでみなさんがやることなんですよね。


第6回 30分で「出し切る」には


今回の相談者:医学部1年生 女性
  • 大学1年生 医学部 アイコさん(仮名)
  • <現在の英語力>
    高校2年(3年前)に英検準1級を取得。長期留学等の経験はなく、第二言語としての英語と格闘中。Reading、Listeningに比べてWriting、Speakingが苦手。初めて受けた2014年5月のTOEFL iBTテストの結果は77点(R:27、L:19、S:15 、W:16)。2014年9月に受験したTOEFL iBTテストでは自己ベスト98点(R:28、L:29、S:20、W:21)にスコアアップ。
    <TOEFL iBTテストを受験する理由>
    <TOEFL iBTテストの学習で困っている点や悩んでいる点>
    Speaking、Writingなどのアウトプットに時間がかかる。その他にはWriting の書き方の様式に関して、参考書と語学学校の先生の言っていることが微妙に違っているので、最低限従わないといけないルールと理想的なessayの書き方が知りたい。


今回はアイコさんに、初見のテーマについて30分の制限時間内に書き上げるTimed Writingに挑戦してもらいました。TOEFL iBTテストのWritingセクションIndependent Taskとほぼ同じ設定で練習をすることで、制限時間内に可能な限りライティングのクオリティを上げるコツを体得するのが目的です。

テーマはWriting Topicsからアイコさんに選んでもらいました。


Topic 3
Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.



  • 1. 30分以内に書き終える
  • 2. 辞書・Google検索は使わない
  • 3. スペルチェッカーは無効にしておく
  • 4. 構成は5パラグラフを基本とする
      (Introduction → Body1 Body 2 Body 3 → Conclusion)
  • 5. 校正も30分以内に行う

アイコさんのエッセイ ※制限時間:30分

Although some people think that too much information on the Internet causes problems, I think that it has given people much more advantages than disadvantages. There are two reasons for this: convenience and equality. This essay will discuss them more deeply.

First of all, the convenience of the Internet can provide you easier life because you can ask a question online. Today, if you ask a question on a chatting board, someone tell you an answer in at least one week. Therefore, you can get the information about what you want to know much more quickly and surely than you used to when you had only phones and radios. Moreover, you can ask a nameless question online by using an account name. Thus, it can be said that the Internet allows people to express their true feelings. For example, you can ask what college you should go after graduation or how to lose your weight without giving short weight.

Second, thanks to the Internet, people may have more equal chances, in other words, the gap between rich people and poor people is becoming smaller. This is because it makes the educational costs smaller than they generally used to. Recently, there have been a lot of free materials to study on the Internet. For instance, there are many online courses offered by famous universities. Anyone are able to listen to the lecturers and get a support about what they have difficulty in understanding. If you do not have much money to study abroad or out of your hometown, you can take a course of universities around the world. In addition to this, you might get a job in an international company if you get good marks on the courses. A lot of global companies are pay attention to the rankings of successful students in order to gain gifted employees.

For these reasons, I think the Internet have positive influences on your lives rather than negative influences. It has made your lives much more convenient and offered you more equality.
(338 words)


Although some people think that too much information [is] on the Internet causes problems, I think that it [this is] has given people much more [of an] advantages than [a] disadvantages. There are two [main] reasons [I believe] for [this]: convenience and equality. This essay will discuss them [these two points in] more deeply [detail below].

First of all, the convenience of the Internet can provide you [make life] easier life [and more convenient] because you can ask a questions online. Today, iIf I you ask a question on a chatting board, someone [will] tell you an [the] answer in at least one week [soon]. Therefore, yYou can get the [correct] information about what you want to know much more quickly [today] and surely than you used to when you had only [a] phones [or a] and radios. Moreover, you can ask a nameless question[s] online [and] by us[e]ing an [your] account name[, so you don’t have to give your real name.] For example, you can ask [private questions like] what college you should go [to] or how to [best] lose weight without giving short weight [letting others know who you are]. Thus, it can be said that the Internet allows people to express their true feelings. [,by making it possible to ask questions and receive answers in a convenient, confidential way].

Second, thanks to the Internet, people may have are become[ing] more equal chances, in other words,. tThe gap between [the educational opportunities available to the] rich people and the poor people is becoming smaller. This is because it [The Internet] makes the educational costs smaller than they generally used to [cheaper]. Recently, there have been a lot of free materials to study on the Internet. For instance, there are mMany online courses [are being] offered by famous universities [at reasonable prices, and everyone] . Anyone are able to [can] listen to the lecturers and [even] get a [further] support about what [if] they have [need] it. difficulty in understanding. [There is also a lot of free materials available to help you study on the Internet. Unlike in earlier times,] Iif you do not have much [enough] money to study abroad or out of [cannot leave] your hometown, [it is now possible for] you can [to] take a course of [online from a university] universities around the world. In addition to this, you might [You can get an education using the Internet without actually being at the school. There is a chance] you might get a job in an international company if you [are able to] get good marks on the [your] online courses. A lot of gGlobal companies are pay attention to the rankings of successful students [because they want] in order to gain [hire] gifted employees. [As you can see, the Internet is opening-up and equalizing the chance to get a higher education which many could never dream of having before.]

For these [the] reasons [of convenience and equality], I think the Internet [will] have [a] positive influences on your [our] lives rather than a negative influences. It has made your lives [Life is certainly] much more convenient [since the arrival of the Internet as we can ask questions, get answers, and express our true feelings in a confidential way. At the same time, the Internet is helping to make the world a more equal place as many now have the chance to get a higher education which they couldn’t get before] and offered you more equality.

英文校正協力:Paul Strifler




【Timed Writingのポイント】








いかがでしたか。私は以前、毎日15分のTimed Writing(”Quick Write”と呼んでいました)を日課にしていた時期がありました。ライティングに対する苦手意識がなくなり、思考するスピードでストレスなく英文が書けるようになったように思います。「短時間でも毎日」がポイントですよ。では次回(第7回 リライトで完成度を上げる)にお会いしましょう。


TOEFL iBT Writing Section Scoring Guide