前回(TOEFL iBT® テスト Writing対策 No.1 試験の目的、採点の仕組みなどを理解しよう)では、簡単にIntegrated Writingの概略に触れましたね。念のために該当部分を以下に再掲載します:
また字数の目安として、150-225 wordsという数字が出ているという話もしました。
それでは今回は、実際にIntegrated Writingを皆さんに体験していただき、それを基に今後の対策を考えるように指導していきます。それにあたり以下が必要になります。
You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Reading passage(PDFファイルが開きます)
Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they respond to the specific points made in the reading passage.
Writing time: 20 minutes
まずReadingの方のポイントですが、主張したいポイントが全体として1つあり、それをサポートするポイントが3つあります。今回はthe Chevalierのmemoir(= 自伝、伝記)はaccurateではない、というのが全体として主張したいポイントですね。では何故memoirが正確でないのか、そのサポート・理由をreadingから3つ確実に理解しましょう。
さて内容の確認はできましたか?Readingで主張されたポイントに対して、Listeningの内容が反論や矛盾点の指摘になっていることに気がつきましたか?これが現在出題されているIntegrated Writingの主流のパターンですので覚えておきましょう。
The lecturer argues that the accuracy and reliability of the Chevalier’s memoir cannot be doubted. For one, the Chevalier did not have financial problems as the reading claims he did. He had assets that could be sold, but it took time for the transactions to be completed. While it is true that he had to borrow money from merchants, it was only while he waited for his assets to be cashed. It did not mean that he was poor.
In addition, while the accuracy of the Chevalier’s conversations with Voltaire is doubted, according to the professor, the Chevalier wrote down everything about the conversation each night. In fact, when the Chevalier was writing his memoir, he was witnessed to be using his notes. These suggest that the Chevalier’s memoir was written with certain accuracy.
The final point is about the Chevalier’s escape from prison. Although the Chevalier had connections with politicians, it is unlikely that he was able to use them to escape from prison because other prisoners with even stronger political connections were unable to use bribery to escape. Rather, it is more plausible that the Chevalier escaped from prison by drilling a hole in the ceiling because after his escape, the ceiling of his prison cell had to be repaired.
All in all, the lecture’s argument contradicts what the critics of the Chevalier say about his memoir.
それでは今回はここまでにしましょう。ではまた次回(TOEFL iBT® テストReading対策 No.2 スコアアップの心得10か条)に!